Youth Ministry Needs Parental Involvement like Schools need Teachers.

I would like to call out to all my parents in the church for help. To all the warriors on the front lines of the homes that mold and shape the youth of Inglewood. To the ones who spend actual time hoping that their children will come home safe from a field trip or friends house. To the ones who wisely discipline and correct young minds when they stray off the path. The reason I call out to you is for you to come along side of them in their faith and activity in church as well. For you are their example and directors. The real teachers. I need your help.

Students today are confronted by the realities of the world at an alarming rate. Realistically students see drug use on TV, sexual ads on billboards, violence in cartoons, and have inappropriate conversations with friends. With all this stimuli going into young minds, how are parents to be heard over anything else. The church has always preached that parents must teach and repeat the things they want their children to grab onto. Where we lose the battle is not in telling them the truth, but in thinking that we are drowned out by all the other things telling students what life should be like.

I want to share a quote with you and ask you to guess where it came from. “Nearly three out of four parents believe their children’s friends and classmates have the most influence… Yet contrary to what parents think , kids say mom and dad have the biggest impact on the choices they make.” Any guess as to who said this? It came from the research side of Coors Brewing Company. Even the world knows that parents are always the main impact in a student’s life.

That’s is why I am calling to my parents and adults of Inglewood Baptist Church to come and be a part of Inglewood’s Youth Ministry. When a parent is excited and involved so are their children. Come and volunteer for one of our retreats, camps, or events. Come and input from your life experience in our Home Bible Studies. Share stories with not only your child, but their friends of lessons learned from a life lived. I am excited about what the Lord can do when he gets parents and students side by side straining for the glory of Jesus Christ. So come and help encourage our students to a life filled in Christ well past their years in a youth ministry.